Friday, February 02, 2007

leaving on a jet plane

im packing my bags and im leaving again. and im glad. i've been invited to co host a cooking programme in langkawi. and i love langkawi. i love my job. i love you :)

a fresh breath of air, the sand on my skin and the wind beneath my wings

i am now ready to fly

and there's no turning back

its now or never

i wont stop

i wll go on

coz from where i stand

my fate is in my hands.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey juliaa... take pictures and post it here k? :)

5:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There's this myth --> He who drinks the water of Langkawi will always come back..
I've been there twice, and heading back again April nanti.. ;)

11:59 AM  
Blogger the Razzler said...

Hope you have a great time in Langkawi. I agree with sensei ... there's always something special in Langkawi, you just wants to go back there again & again.

Look forwards to some beautiful pics on your blog when you're back.

Take care ... :) :)

4:39 PM  
Blogger Izham Miyake said...


betul ka ini julie? hehehe..

10:01 AM  
Blogger the Razzler said...

Julia ... hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day !! :) :)

8:54 AM  
Blogger Izham Miyake said...

Happy V-day julie..

11:09 AM  
Blogger juliana said...

guys lots of love on valentines day.. i have so much to say.. but it seems like i have trouble signing in.. apparently i have to create a google account and all that... can't i just use the old blogger?

help!!! :)

love love love and more love

11:41 AM  
Blogger the Razzler said...

You probably needs to upgrade your blog to the `New Version' whereby you're registered with your email add. Just go through your normal sign in & you'll be prompted step by step.

I am having probs with mine ... especially when uploading pics. That's why I'm using Thumbsnap for the time being. Googles Help is working on it.

Have fun & looks forward to lots of pics from your trip !!

Take care .. :) :)

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's meet up someday? ok? :)

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kak ju!
i'm rabiatul from smk Sri Permata.
remember me?
i am one of the prefects.
how r u?
can i have the winner of the quiz pictures? please.
diz is my email.
i hope u can send it to me soon.
take care =)
n happy merdeka day!

12:39 PM  

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